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Section 10 Settling in the Valley

When we had got camped on the hill whare B. Youngs house now stands or near it, I went to him and asked him if he wanted me to work for him any more he said he did not but to go and get me a place for myself and family for winter. I went strait to the fort and rented a house for my family but I had not got fairly into it till he came and wanted me to work for him on a house which I did. I worked 12 days and finished the house with the help of Joseph Scofield and Adason Pratt, winter then sat in and thare was no chance for building any more, I was called upon by the owner of the house that I lived in that I must get out for he wanted the house his name was C. M. Duel I tried in vain to get one, at length through the influance of sister Cobb Brigham let me have one of his houses in the fort he found stove and I found firewood for the rent and sister Twiss lived with us through the winter. I looked for my ox that I had thought was to assist me either in meat or team but on inquireing I found that Charles Tuker and Edmond Elsworth had killed him for beef about a week or two before I got in on hearing this I thought I would ask them to pay for it but on learning the feeling that it was like to make I concluded to let it go and say nothing about it I was told that he was good beef and if I could have had him he would have saved us much suffering from hunger but I resolved to make the best of everything and leave the event with the Lord who will always do right the winter was long and hard. We got out of provisions in Feb'y but I got some corn for which I paid 2 dollars pr bushel and ownly 3 pecks at that, I could occasionaly get a day or twos work. I went around the fort repairing clocks and done anything that I could find to do I could by meat of Vincent Shirtleff at from 12 to 20 cts pr pound, and now and then a little meal or flour I drew a five acre to in common with the rest of the people but the council was for the mechanics to throw up their lots and work at their trades I was among the number that was ever ready to obey council but many did not do it for which I felt to think was not right but in the sequal I saw them do much better than those who did for those that depended on their trades for a liveing and was disposed to take what the im-ployer had to spare was forced to live on the leavings or the poorest of the crop for no man could be found that did not want the best first for his own family and then if their was anything left the poor laborer might stand a chance to get a little after it had been culld over and that too after running enough to earn it a second time I do not wish to be understood here as saying that the council was a detrament to anyone, but I ownly see things according as man sees things not as God sees them.

I got through the winter tolerable well, in the spring I had an offer from Isaac Chase for a job on his sawmill and I moved thare and lived in a little board cabin 8 by 12 feet, this took place about the 4th of March 1849, and let it suffice to say that we saw hard times from that time to harvest I went and drove in one of my oxen he was vary poor in flesh but I was obliged to take his life to save my own Sister Taft gave me about 25 Ibs of flour and about as much meal we had the good fortune to find mustard in father Chases garden which we lived on about two or three weeks brother Taft had 1/2 an acre of peas and he told me that I might have as many as we wanted. I had hired a cow of Daniel Wood for which I paid one dollar pr week for 16 weeks this helped us out to harvest, in the mean time Brother Brigham wanted me to build him a mill in the 5 acre lots and * -. went with me and told me where to set my house so as to be handy to the mill, he wanted me to put in a twenty four foot overshot wheel at first but after alterd his mind to small reaction or centre vent wheels I told him they ware not as good as an over shot but he wanted to save gearing as it would have to be made of wood and soon would be gone or ware out. I told him that I could soon rig up a wheel or lathe and turn iron rounds for trunell head wheels which could be made tolerable good and durable but he did not seem to like the plan the next time I saw him he asked me if I would have any feelings if he should imploy another man to take the charge of it in my place I told him I would not if that was his wish. I asked his reasons for so doing, he however gave me no particular reasons, But I thought in my mind that he thought he could get someone that would do better than I which I was willing he should do. So he imployed Alwin M. Harding a man that could handle his tongue to a better advantage (as I thought) with a promice to me that I should have work under him every day Harding persuaded him to move his mill from the place he had formerly designed to build it which caused me to be again disappointed for I had built my house and had got to living in it. but after all I was determined to make the best of it. this caused me a great loss of time and no man said they would make it good to me

The man that owned the lot that I had built my house on wanted me to move it off for it was not by his consent that it had been put there I told him how I came to build there and thought the lot belonged to Brother Brigham he said that he had supposed that he should have to sell it to him but he had concluded to build it in some other place and I must take my house away. So I had to sell it not having a team or place to set it. So I sold it for 75. 00 to John Harvey and as it stood it was worth about 150. 00 but it could not be sold for any more than the materials was worth for it had to be moved I brought a tent and moved onto the spot whare the mill was to be built expecting to go to work as I knew that Brother Brigham had advanced means to forward the work as fast as possible he had promised to build a house for me to live in which was not done until I took it in hand myself which made it so late in the winter that we suffered greatly from the cold in our tent but with the greatest exertion on my part we got into it the 3d week December but the floor was made of green lumber and it had snowed and froze and the walls being newly plastered the floor was not dry for 3 or 4 weeks. Phineas Henry was born the 28th of Jany 1850 I was out of work and went often to Harding to sit me to doing something for I could not have a concience to charge my time and do nothing he always answered me that everything was froze up and he had no business for me I then went to the city and told brother B how it was and asked him for work in the city, this was on friday he told me to come and he would give me a job in the city. I went home and told Harding that I was going into the city to work a few days till business opened on the mill he started next morning and went and told Brother Brigham that I had had all the work I wanted and could have from that time on as long as I wanted On Sunday I went to meeting and saw him he told me what Harding had said and told me to stay and work on the mill I went home and Monday morning I went and asked him again for work, he sais it snowd last night. Yes s*is I but what has that to do with the matter in question I wanted him to give me work as he had promised he said he had nothing for me to do I told him I had a family and they must have something to eat drink and ware and they depended on me and I looked to him for laber and means but he went away and left me without work having blinded the eyes and stopt the ears of Brother Brigham so that he would neither hear or see me on the subject, and for six weeks I had nothing to do to earn anything It would have been right for me to have charged him my time and then told the matter as it was to Brigham. And I did once try to tell him of it but he got up and left me and would not hear my story and I never attempted it again but I did tell him that I had been at the mill one year and had ownly 100 days work against him when I ought to have had near three hundred. Ann Elizas father visited us about the 2 of July on his way to Calafornia to the mines he stayed with us about a week to recruit himself and company I preached Mormanism to them all that I could but it did not have any impression on any of them, they went on in good spirits hope-ing to become wealthy in gold, and this was all they thought of seemingly

In the month of August Br. Brigham visited San Pete and found the people in want of a mill for grinding their grain he came home and told me that he had made choice of me to go and build them a mill, he proposed to furnish the stones and the cash articles and I and father Morley was to do the work and we ware to each own 1/2 of it in co I was ready to do anything to suit him let it be what it might I got ready and put off the day that I was 30 years old we ware 10 days on the road

Before we went we ware boarding hands that ware at work on the mill, he came down with two of his wives Margarette Pierce & Lucy Bigalo to board his hands himself he took them all but one who was still with us I asked him if he would take him, he said he intended to take all I told him that my wife was nearly tired out and we wanted to get away as soon as we could he said he had the advantage of me for when his women got tired he could take them home and change them for fresh ones I told him to give me time and perhaps I could do it too. he said he was ready to give me as many as I wanted I turned the conversation some other way as Harding was presant and I did not wish to have him hear, that evening I seated myself by him alone and asked him if he meant what he said, he replied he did and he wanted me to get all the wives I wanted, and it was his council that I should do so.

The 27 in the evening Orson Hyde came to visit him and I asked them to bless us before we went away which was done Brother Brigham was mouthpiece for both of us he blesst us with the blessings of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant with the good things of this world to eat drink and wear, with every good thing that our hearts could desire, and sealed them upon us in the name of the father and son and the holy ghost, Amen.


Journal Sections
  1. Brief history of Phineas' ancestry
  2. Childhood to 1838
  3. 1839 - Spring of 1843
  4. 1843 - 1845
  5. Conversion to the Mormon Church
  6. Leaving the family to join with the Mormons in the west 1845-46
  7. To Mechanicsville, Winter Quarters
  8. Winter Quarters 2
  9. Traveling West to Utah
  1. Settling in the Valley
  2. Run in with Indians
  3. 1851 - 1853
  4. 1854-1855
  5. Events of 1855
  6. September 1855- March 1856
  7. May - July 1856
  8. August - December 1856
  9. 1857 - Journal Conclusion