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The Diary of Phineas Wolcott Cook, with the addition of his later life when he evidently did not keep a diary would hardly be complete without referring to the later life of his four wives. This short addendum is added to refer to their last years and perliaps catch, their feelings, especially as they relate to the plurality of wives as existed in the church at that time.

ANN ELIZA ROWLAND COOK was the mother of 16 children, five of whom died as infants or small children. It is very apparent that she remained faithful and true to Phineas from the date of their marriage, January 1, 1840 until the end of her life. During these years Phineas built several log cabins and larger homes for her and his family. Each time he was asked co move to other areas, his obedience must have been her will as well, for he does not mention that she was reluctant to go with him when he was called.

Ann Eliza kept a diary from 1894 to 1896 in which there is not one critical opinion given, and she does not criticize a relative or neighbor in one detail. On December 18, 1853 Phineas married Amanda Polly Savage, age 17, and Catharine McCleve, age 17. From that time on, Ann Eliza lived in harmony with them. For many years they lived in the same house. Later when the family moved to Bear Lake, each family had a home. Ann Eliza chose Amanda Polly for her first counselor in the Relief Society.

Many years later, September 13, 1878, Phineas married Johanna Christina Palsson (Pahlson) who was 33 years old. Phineas at this time was 59. For five years, until 1883 Johanna lived in the Swan Creek area. Ann Eliza's diary makes frequent reference to Johanna. Alonzo L. Cook records that Ann Eliza was very deeply hurt when the U.S. Government enforced the law and required her husband to live only with one family. He chose his youngest family whom he moved to Afton, Wyoming. Eliza did not record one word of sorrow, complaint, or criticism in her diary. She also tells of their visits to her from Wyoming and indicates a higH regard for Johanna.

Ann Eliza kept this interesting diary until April 30, 1896 ^ just a few days before her death on May 17, 1896.

Annie, Hyrum's wife, wrote a postscript in her diary. It reads, "Grandma Cook suffered very much from the day she left off writing and for that reason she did not keep up this record until the last. Her children were not all here as Hyrum was in New Zealand on a mission and Pheve in Mexico. The rest of her children were here and a large number of her relatives and friends. She was buried by the side of our dear babes for which I was very thankful. This ends the month of May and with it the life of a noble mother and friend to all both young and old, rich and poor She was always loving, kind and patient, and in her last days was as cheerful as it was possible for one to be and she died and she had lived in full hope of a glorious resurrection and worthy of a noble crown."

Excerpts taken from a larger writing in "The Autobiography of Melvin Cook, Volume 1."

AMANDA POLLY SAVAGE COOK was born in upper Canada, Co. York, August 23, 1836. She was the daughter of David Savage and Theodoci Finch Savage. Her mother died when she was two months old. When she was five years old her father took her to Knox Co., Illinois.

In 1842 her family moved to LaHarp, 25 miles from Nauvoo. After enduring all the persecutions the Saints were called to pass through, the family went west in Parley P. Pratt's Company and arrived in Salt Lake City on September 24, 1847. Amanda at that time was eleven years old and walked most of the way. Her father was called to help settle Lehi.

When she was a little past 16, she went to work for the family of Phineas W. Cook in Salt Lake City. Persuant to this association, and through her great respect and admiration for these people, she married Phineas W. Cook on December 23, 1854 as his second wife.

Grandfather Cook was called to settle Goshen, Utah. There Amanda's first child, David Savage Cook, was born. For six years they lived in. different places. Then in the fall of 1863 grandfather was called to cro to Bear Lake to help colonize that place. Amanda was in a delicate condition and could not go. She stayed at her father's home in Holden, Utah until the next spring. While at Holden, on November 12, 1863, she gave birth to twin girls. When her babies were a month old, the oldest one died. In the spring of 1864 she joined grandfather at Bear Lake. They settled at Swan Creek, now called Lakota. She had a little son, Joseph, born at Swan Creek in May of 1866, but he died when he was five months old, so it left her with two children, her oldest son, David S. Cook and her daughter, Mary R. Cook McCann.

In 1882 Amanda, and the first wife, each bought a home and small farm at Garden City. Being liighly skilled she was kept busy taking care of the sick. When the first Relief Soceity was organized at Garden City, Ann Eliza Rowland Cook chose Amanda for her first counselor. They labored together in that capacity for twenty years, with the same unity and love that had characterized their whole life.

After Ann Eliza died, Amanda still held the position of first counselor for about ten years. She also taught Sunday School and Primary for many years. When she was no longer able to nurse, she sold her home and lived with her family where she had many and pleasant retirement years. She was a great lover of children and young folks and enjoyed her family to the utmost. She died in Garden City on the 15th of July 1915, being ill only four days, lacking one month and eight days of being seventy-nine years old.

By Dean Cook

CATHERINE MOCLEVE COOK was born September 17, 1836, in Belfast, Down County, Ireland. She married Phineas Wolcott Cook December 18, 1853, in the Endowment House, Salt Lake City.

Joseph Wolcott Cook was born to them on April 21, 1855.

"Catherine was divorced from Grandfather Cook in 1857, when her only child of this marriage, was two years old. She married David Dudley Russell in 1862. Four children were born to them: Hannah Jane, David Riley, Margaret, and Sarah Catherine who died in infancy.

Catherine died December 19, 1869 at Payson, Utah where she was buried."

Quotes as reported by Helen McAllister.

Joseph Wolcott Cook settled in the area of Border, Wyoming, on a hay ranch. He ran cattle on something like 2,000 acres of land. Carl Cook and his brother Emerson, worked for him first in haying and in 1900 built a big barn for him. Of him, Carl in his diary reports, "J. W. or "Wolk" as we commonly spoke of him, was a real brother to me and my brothers. He was a kind hearted man with good "Common Sense" judgement and wide experience....He was devoted to the Church, had filled two regular missions, and was always a leader and valiant supporter of any public cause or improvement. His family also have been and are kind, friendly and devoted to the welfare and progress of their communities and the Church."

JOHANNA CHRISTINA. POULSON COOK cx>ntijiued to live in Afton, Wyoming. She saw her family grow to maturity. After Idalia was married to Lesley Covey, and they had moved to Salt Lake, Johanna would spend the winters in Salt Lake with them, returning to the beautiful Star Valley in the sunnier time. Later on, she remained with Idalia all the time.

She passed away on February 13, 1929, in Salt Lake City. The Covey's were living at 919 East 3rd South at this time. She was taken to Afton where the funeral was held and she was buried by Phineas in the Afton City Cemetery.

By Eva Covey Madsen

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